The Commerce Executive on Orientation is committed to increasing financial accessibility for students through the the Fee Waiver program
Fee Waiver Applications for Smith Commerce Orientation Week 2024 are OPEN! The application deadline was
Sunday, August 4th, 2024 @ 11:59 PM EST.
If you have applied for a Fee Waiver, please DO NOT complete Orientation Week registration until you are notified of your application status.

Financial need will be determined by Queen’s University Student Awards based on each applicant’s existing financial need documentation. All Fee Waiver Applications will be directly submitted to the Commerce Office and Queen’s University Student Awards. Please note that Fee Applications will not be assessed by the Commerce Executive on Orientation.
Students who are identified by Queen's University Student Awards as having financial need will qualify for the Fee Waiver Program. The Commerce Executive on Orientation will reduce/waive the Smith Commerce Orientation Week Registration Fee for all successful applicants.

Await further communication regarding your Fee Waiver Application. Students will be notified of their application status by email in mid-August.
If you have applied for a Fee Waiver, please do not complete Orientation Week registration until you are notified of your application status.
Once you have been notified of your Fee Waiver Application status, please await specific directions and guidance from a CEO representative.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Smith Commerce Orientation Week Fee Waiver Program, please contact:
Ava Khavaninzadeh
EDII Director,
Commerce Executive on Orientation