While these past few years have been anything but typical, we believe that it has offered us - as both students and individuals - the opportunity for learning and growth. The Commerce Executive on Orientation has decided to leverage this opportunity and embark on self-reflection and transformation. Through enacting various improvements and changes across all aspects of Orientation Week, the CEO of 2024 is committed to positive change across our student body and school community.

Smith Commerce Orientation Week 2024 will enhance how transitioning into the program and the university looks and feels. Through elevating past initiatives and cultivating meaningful change, Smith Commerce Orientation Week 2024 will ensure a sense of belonging while providing students with the tools to promote their well-being and achieve their goals.
Commerce Executive on Orientation of 2024
We would like to draw your attention to four key pillars, which the CEO of 2024 will use to guide us throughout this year. Please take a moment to reflect on what each of these pillars mean to you.